Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Trouble and Risk

CVS shared a nice story last thursday. It was about a mouse who saw the farmers wife setting up a mouse trap. He runs and tells the Chicken, Pig, and Buffallow about it and all of them pity him saying he is in trouble and the trap can harm them in no way. No one offers him help.

The farmer's wife is bit by a snake which get's stuck in the trap. The farmer kills the chicken and prepares soup for his wife. There are guests at the farm to check out on her health. To feed them the farmer kills the pig. She dies and lots of visitors come to mourn. To feed them he kills the buffallow.

If all the animals had done something about the trap, none of them would have been killed.

Moral of the story: If any of our team member is in trouble, we all are at risk!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

True...but we are so selfish that we think about saving our skins only...
